Now showing items 1-10 of 20
Zorluklar ve fırsatlar ekseninde İran’ın enerji politikası
(Beta Yayınları, 2015)
Ekonomik çevrimlerin (krizlerin) kadın/erkek istihdamına yansımaları Türkiye imalat sanayi ve kent emek piyasası üzerine ampirik bir analiz
(Sosyal Araştırmalar Vakfı, 2010)
Türkiye’de yoksulluk analiz ve çalışmalarına bir bakış
(Dipnot Yayınevi, 2010)
The separation of the UK from the EU in the context of regional and international security
(Peter Lang AG, 2018)
British People expressed their will to leave the EU in the referendum held on June 23, 2016. Britain has set a new foreign policy vision on the claim that, remaining in the Union would weaken the British government in ...
Economic cycles and gendered employment patterns in Turkey
(Taylor and Francis, 2012)
Honour, dishonour and homicides in Britain, Namibia and Turkey: Historical and contemporary perspectives
(Taylor and Francis, 2016)
The impact of ESDP on EU-NATO relations
(Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2013)
It could be argued that the end of the Cold War had given the EU the opportunity to forge itself as the security agent in Europe even though by the mid-1990s the atmosphere as well as the situation had changed. NATO was ...
Behavioral Portfolio Theory
(Springer, 2021)
The aim of this study is to explain behavioral portfolio theory in a theoretical way. The study starts with the definition of portfolio which is a financial asset that consists of various securities such as stocks and bonds ...
Y kuşağı ve girişimcilik
(Orion Kitabevi, 2015)
Feminist uluslararası ilişkiler teorileri açısından I. Dünya Savaşı ve Çanakkale Savaşı
(Röle Akademik Yayıncılık, 2015)