Browsing Elektrik-Elektronik Mühendisliği Bölümü Makale Koleksiyonu by ORCID "0000-0001-7127-5915"
Now showing items 1-8 of 8
3D EM data driven surrogate based design optimization of traveling wave antennas for beam scanning in X-band: an application example
Belen, Aysu; Gunes, Filiz; Palandoken, Merih; Tarı, Özlem; Belen, Mehmet A.; Mahouti, Peyman (WINEF, 2022)In this paper, design and optimization of a microstrip elliptic traveling wave antenna (TWA) are presented for the beam scanning in X-band as an application of 3D data driven surrogate based design optimization technique. ... -
Calculation of phase diagram and the thermodynamic quantities by the Landau mean field model close to the solid - liquid and solid - solid transitions in n-paraffins
Yurtseven, Hamit; Tari, Ozlem (TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2024)We calculate the phase diagrams and predict the temperature dependence of the thermodynamic quantities at high pressures for the solid - liquid and solid - solid transitions in n-paraffins. This calculation is performed ... -
Calculation of the Phase Diagrams (T - X and T - P) and the Thermodynamic Quantities for the Solid - Liquid Equilibria in n-tridecane
Tari, O.; Yurtseven, H. (International Journal of Thermodynamics, 2023)The solid – liquid equilibria in n-tridecane is investigated by calculating phase diagrams and the thermodynamic quantities using the Landau phenomenological model. By expanding the free energy in terms of the order parameter ... -
Calculation of the T-X phase diagram and the thermodynamic quantities for the binary mixtures of Tetradecane plus Hexadecane using the Landau mean field model
Yurtseven, Hamit; Tari, Ozlem (TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2023)The Landau model is used to calculate the T - X phase diagram and the temperature dependence of the thermodynamic quantities near the phase transitions in the binary mixtures of tetradecane + hexadecane. The phase line ... -
Design and Realization of Broadband Active Inductor Based Band Pass Filter
Belen, Aysu; Belen, Mehmet A.; Palandoken, Merih; Mahouti, Peyman; Tari, Ozlem (WILEY, 2023)With the latest developments in the wireless communication systems, the alternative design methodologies are required for the broadband design of microwave components. In this paper, a compact broad band pass filter (BPF) ... -
Gain Enhancement of a Traditional Horn Antenna using 3D Printed Square-Shaped Multi-layer Dielectric Lens for X-band Applications
Belen, Aysu; Mahouti, Peyman; Gunes, Filiz; Tarı, Özlem (Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES), 2021)In this work, gain of a traditional horn antenna is enhanced up to 2.9 dB over X-band using 3D printed square-shaped multi-layer lens. For this purpose, firstly the multi-layer lenses are designed using Invasive Weed ... -
Pressure Effect on Thermodynamic Quantities for the Solid-Liquid Phase Transition in n-tridecane, n-hexadecane and n-octadecane
Tari, O.; Yurtseven, H. (International Journal of Thermodynamics, 2024)The pressure effect is investigated regarding the solid - liquid equilibria (SLE) in n-alkanes. Using the Landau phenomenological model, the pressure dependences of the thermodynamic functions are predicted and the phase ... -
Surrogate-Based Design Optimization of Multi-Band Antenna
Belen, Aysu; Tarı, Özlem; Mahouti, Peyman; Belen, Mehmet A.; Caliskan, Alper (Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES), 2022)In this work, design optimization process of a multi-band antenna via the use of artificial neural network (ANN) based surrogate model and meta-heuristic optimizers are studied. For this mean, first, by using Latin-Hyper ...