Browsing by Author "Palanci, Mehmet"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Assessment of Damages in Precast Industrial Buildings in the Aftermath of Pazarcık and Elbistan Earthquakes
Senel, Sevket Murat; Kayhan, Ali Haydar; Palanci, Mehmet; Demir, Ahmet (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024)Two major earthquakes with moment magnitudes of 7.7 and 7.6 struck the districts of Pazarc & imath;k and Elbistan, causing thousands of deaths and severe damage. A lot of buildings located in 11 different cities were damaged ... -
Assessment of uncertainties in damping reduction factors using ANN for acceleration velocity and displacement spectra
Abdelmalek, Abdelhamid; Baizid, Benahmed; Palanci, Mehmet; Lakhdar, Aidaoui (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2023)Elastic analysis is performed during the design process, and earthquake forces are computed according to standard damped spectral accelerations, which are assumed to be 5% at most. However, buildings are expected to behave ... -
The Derivation of Vertical Damping Reduction Factors for the Design and Analysis of Structures Using Acceleration, Velocity, and Displacement Spectra
Rouabeh, Aicha; Benahmed, Baizid; Palanci, Mehmet; Aouari, Issam (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024)Damping reduction factors (DRFs) play a vital role in the seismic design of structures. DRFs have been widely studied due to their primary importance to the lateral resistance of structures subjected to earthquakes. On the ... -
Empirical Model for the Prediction of Ground Motion Duration on Soft Soils
Aouari, Issam; Benahmed, Baizid; Palanci, Mehmet; Aidaoui, Lakhdar (SPRINGER INDIA, 2023)In the civil engineering field, several attenuation relationships are proposed to estimate the ground motion duration (GMD) of earthquakes for hard and medium soil types, considering various seismic quantities. However, ... -
Evaluation the effect of amplitude scaling of real ground motions on seismic demands accounting different structural characteristics and soil classes
Demir, Ahmet; Palanci, Mehmet; Kayhan, Ali Haydar (Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2023)Selection and scaling of input ground motion records for nonlinear dynamic analysis of structures has become an important issue and studies on this subject can provide valuable information for earthquake engineering practice. ... -
Fragility Based Evaluation of Different Code Based Assessment Approaches for The Performance Estimation of Existing Buildings
Seismic performance of existing buildings constructed before modern seismic design codes is one of the important problems of earthquake prone countries. Increasing life and economic losses after strong earthquakes shows ... -
Practical equations for constitutive model of design-oriented FRP-confined concrete rectangular members
Palanci, Mehmet; Subasi, Ilker (Elsevier Ltd, 2024)The strengthening with Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) offers one of effective solution to increase strength, axial load and deformation capacity of reinforced concrete (RC) members. However, the use of FRP-confined models ... -
Probabilistic assessment for spectrally matched real ground motion records on distinct soil profiles by simulation of SDOF systems
Demir, Ahmet; Palanci, Mehmet; Kayhan, Ali Haydar (Techno-Press, 2021)Selection of appropriate ground motion records for dynamic analysis has uttermost importance since it significantly affects structural responses which are used for seismic performance assessment of buildings. This study ... -
Quantifying the effect of amplitude scaling of real ground motions based on structural responses of vertically irregular and regular RC frames
Palanci, Mehmet; Demir, Ahmet; Kayhan, Ali Haydar (ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 2023)Increasing number of real ground motion (GM) record databases raised nonlinear dynamic analysis (NDA) as an attractive option to determine structural response statistics. Structural responses are sensitive to input motions ... -
Response- and probability-based evaluation of spectrally matched ground motion selection strategies for bi-directional dynamic analysis of low- to mid-rise RC buildings
Demir, Ahmet; Kayhan, Ali Haydar; Palanci, Mehmet (Elsevier Ltd, 2023)In this study, the effect of different strategies which consider various levels of constraints for spectrally matched ground motion (GM) selection on seismic responses of the buildings was evaluated. For this, six different ... -
Seasonal Change in Techno-Economic Properties of Waterfront Structural Pinewood
Yilmaz, Ismail Cengiz; Tekin, Hamdi; Palanci, Mehmet; Atabay, Senay (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024)Historical buildings are constructed using a variety of materials, including stone, wood, and combinations thereof. These structures serve as tangible links to the past and are of great importance to cultural heritage, ... -
Yield response prediction of unsymmetrically reinforced concrete rectangular beams
Palanci, Mehmet (MIM RESEARCH GROUP, 2020)Main components such as columns and beams of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings are constructed as symmetrically and unsymmetrically reinforced. Symmetrically reinforced concrete members are widely studied and some ...