Browsing by Author "Albrecht M."
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Amplitude analysis and branching fraction measurement of D-s(+) -> K-K+pi(+)pi(+)pi(-)
Ablikim M.; Achasov M.N.; Adlarson P.; Ahmed S.; Albrecht M.; Kolcu, O. B. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)Using e+e− annihilation data corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 6.32 fb−1 collected at the center-of-mass energies between 4.178 and 4.226 GeV with the BESIII detector, we perform an amplitude analysis of ... -
Amplitude analysis and branching fraction measurement of Ds+ →k-K+π+π0
Ablikim M.; Achasov M.N.; Adlarson P.; Ahmed S.; Albrecht M.; Aliberti R.; Kolcu, O. B. (American Physical Society, 2021)The first amplitude analysis of the decay Ds+→K-K+π+π0 is presented using the data samples, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 6.32 fb-1, collected with the BESIII detector at e+e- center-of-mass energies between ... -
Amplitude analysis and branching-fraction measurement of Ds+ → π + π 0 η′
Ablikim M.; Achasov M.N.; Adlarson P.; Ahmed S.; Albrecht M.; Aliberti R.; Kolcu, O. B. (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022)Using data collected with the BESIII detector in e+e− collisions at center-of-mass energies between 4.178 and 4.226 GeV and corresponding to 6.32 fb−1 of integrated luminosity, we report the amplitude analysis and ... -
Cross section measurement of e(+)e(-) -> (KSKL0)-K-0 at root s=2.00-3.08 GeV
Ablikim M.; Achasov M.N.; Adlarson P.; Ahmed S.; Albrecht M.; Kolcu, O. B. (American Physical Society, 2021)The cross sections of the process e+e-→KS0KL0 are measured at fifteen center-of-mass energies s from 2.00 to 3.08 GeV with a total integrated luminosity of 582 pb-1 and using the BESIII detector at the Beijing Electron ... -
Cross section measurement of e+e- →π+π-ψ (3686) from s =4.0076 GeV to 4.6984 GeV CROSS SECTION MEASUREMENT of e+e- →π+π-ψ (3686) ... ABLIKIM M. et al.
Ablikim M.; Achasov M.N.; Adlarson P.; Ahmed S.; Albrecht M.; Kolcu, O. B. (American Physical Society, 2021)Using data samples with a total integrated luminosity of 20.1 fb-1 collected by the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII collider, the cross section of the process e+e-→π+π-ψ(3686) is measured at center-of-mass energies ... -
Measurement of the branching fraction of leptonic decay D-s(+) -> tau(+)nu(tau) via tau(+) -> pi(+)pi(0)(tau)
Ablikim M.; Achasov M.N.; Adlarson P.; Ahmed S.; Albrecht M.; Kolcu, O. B. (American Physical Society, 2021)By analyzing 6.32 fb-1 of e+e- annihilation data collected at the center-of-mass energies between 4.178 and 4.226 GeV with the BESIII detector, we determine the branching fraction of the leptonic decay Ds+→τ+ντ, with ... -
Measurement of the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed decay D+ -> K+pi(+)pi(-)pi(0) with semileptonic tags
Ablikim, M.; Achasov M.N.; Adlarson P.; Ahmed S.; Albrecht M.; Kolcu, O. B. (American Physical Society, 2021)We propose a new semileptonic tag method to study the doubly Cabibbo-suppressed D decay in ψ(3770)→DD¯ reaction. Utilizing the dataset corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.93 fb-1 at a center-of-mass energy of ... -
Observation of J/Psi Electromagnetic Dalitz Decays to X(1835), X(2120), and X(2370)
Ablikim, M.; Achasov M.N.; Adlarson P.; Ahmed S.; Albrecht M.; Kolcu, O. B. (American Physical Society, 2022)Using a sample of about 1010 J/ψ events collected at a center-of-mass energy s=3.097 GeV with the BESIII detector, the electromagnetic Dalitz decays J/ψ→e+e-π+π-η′, with η′→γπ+π- and η′→π+π-η, have been studied. The decay ... -
Observation of the double Dalitz decay eta' -> e(+)e(-)e(+)e(-)
Ablikim M.; Achasov M.N.; Adlarson P.; Albrecht M.; Aliberti R.; Kolcu, O. B. (Observation of the double Dalitz decay η′ →e+e-e+e-, 2022)Based on (10087±44)×106 J/ψ events collected with the BESIII detector at BEPCII, the double Dalitz decay η′→e+e-e+e-is observed for the first time via the J/ψ→γη′ decay process. The significance is found to be 5.7σ with ... -
Search for D0 ??? and improved measurement of the branching fraction for D0 ??0?0
Ablikim M.; Achasov M.N.; Ai X.C.; Albayrak O.; Albrecht M.; Ambrose D.J.; Amoroso A.; An F.F.; An Q.; Bai J.Z.; Ferroli R.B.; Ban Y.; Bennett D.W.; Bennett J.V.; Bertani M.; Bettoni D.; Bian J.M.; Bianchi F.; Boger E.; Bondarenko O.; Boyko I.; Briere R.A.; Cai H.; Cai X.; Cakir O.; Calcaterra A.; Cao G.F.; Cetin S.A.; Chang J.F.; Chelkov G.; Chen G.; Chen H.S.; Chen H.Y.; Chen J.C.; Chen M.L.; Chen S.J.; Chen X.; Chen X.R.; Chen Y.B.; Cheng H.P.; Chu X.K.; Cibinetto G.; Cronin-Hennessy D.; Dai H.L.; Dai J.P.; Dbeyssi A.; Dedovich D.; Deng Z.Y.; Denig A.; Denysenko I.; Destefanis M.; De Mori F.; Ding Y.; Dong C.; Dong J.; Dong L.Y.; Dong M.Y.; Du S.X.; Duan P.F.; Fan J.Z.; Fang J.; Fang S.S.; Fang X.; Fang Y.; Fava L.; Feldbauer F.; Felici G.; Feng C.Q.; Fioravanti E.; Fritsch M.; Fu C.D.; Gao Q.; Gao X.Y.; Gao Y.; Gao Z.; Garzia I.; Geng C.; Goetzen K.; Gong W.X.; Gradl W.; Greco M.; Gu M.H.; Gu Y.T.; Guan Y.H.; Guo A.Q.; Guo L.B.; Guo Y.; Guo Y.P.; Haddadi Z.; Hafner A.; Han S.; Han Y.L.; Hao X.Q.; Harris F.A.; He K.L.; He Z.Y.; Held T.; Heng Y.K.; Hou Z.L.; Hu C.; Hu H.M.; Hu J.F.; Hu T.; Hu Y.; Huang G.M.; Huang G.S.; Huang H.P.; Huang J.S.; Huang X.T.; Huang Y.; Hussain T.; Ji Q.; Ji Q.P.; Ji X.B.; Ji X.L.; Jiang L.L.; Jiang L.W.; Jiang X.S.; Jiao J.B.; Jiao Z.; Jin D.P.; Jin S.; Johansson T.; Julin A.; Kalantar-Nayestanaki N.; Kang X.L.; Kang X.S.; Kavatsyuk M.; Ke B.C.; Kliemt R.; Kloss B.; Kolcu O.B.; Kopf B.; Kornicer M.; Kühn W.; Kupsc A.; Lai W.; Lange J.S.; Lara M.; Larin P.; Leng C.; Li C.H.; Li C.; Li D.M.; Li F.; Li G.; Li H.B.; Li J.C.; Li J.; Li K.; Li K.; Li L.; Li P.R.; Li T.; Li W.D.; Li W.G.; Li X.L.; Li X.M.; Li X.N.; Li X.Q.; Li Z.B.; Liang H.; Liang Y.F.; Liang Y.T.; Liao G.R.; Lin D.X.; Liu B.J.; Liu C.X.; Liu F.H.; Liu F.; Liu F.; Liu H.B.; Liu H.H.; Liu H.H.; Liu H.M.; Liu J.; Liu J.P.; Liu J.Y.; Liu K.; Liu K.Y.; Liu L.D.; Liu P.L.; Liu Q.; Liu S.B.; Liu X.; Liu X.X.; Liu Y.B.; Liu Z.A.; Liu Z.; Liu Z.; Loehner H.; Lou X.C.; Lu H.J.; Lu J.G.; Lu R.Q.; Lu Y.; Lu Y.P.; Luo C.L.; Luo M.X.; Luo T.; Luo X.L.; Lv M.; Lyu X.R.; Ma F.C.; Ma H.L.; Ma L.L.; Ma Q.M.; Ma S.; Ma T.; Ma X.N.; Ma X.Y.; Maas F.E.; Maggiora M.; Malik Q.A.; Mao Y.J.; Mao Z.P.; Marcello S.; Messchendorp J.G.; Min J.; Min T.J.; Mitchell R.E.; Mo X.H.; Mo Y.J.; Morales C.M.; Moriya K.; Muchnoi N.Yu.; Muramatsu H.; Nefedov Y.; Nerling F.; Nikolaev I.B.; Ning Z.; Nisar S.; Niu S.L.; Niu X.Y.; Olsen S.L.; Ouyang Q.; Pacetti S.; Patteri P.; Pelizaeus M.; Peng H.P.; Peters K.; Pettersson J.; Ping J.L.; Ping R.G.; Poling R.; Pu Y.N.; Qi M.; Qian S.; Qiao C.F.; Qin L.Q.; Qin N.; Qin X.S.; Qin Y.; Qin Z.H.; Qiu J.F.; Rashid K.H.; Redmer C.F.; Ren H.L.; Ripka M.; Rong G.; Ruan X.D.; Santoro V.; Sarantsev A.; Savrié M.; Schoenning K.; Schumann S.; Shan W.; Shao M.; Shen C.P.; Shen P.X.; Shen X.Y.; Sheng H.Y.; Song W.M.; Song X.Y.; Sosio S.; Spataro S.; Sun G.X.; Sun J.F.; Sun S.S.; Sun Y.J.; Sun Y.Z.; Sun Z.J.; Sun Z.T.; Tang C.J.; Tang X.; Tapan I.; Thorndike E.H.; Tiemens M.; Toth D.; Ullrich M.; Uman I.; Varner G.S.; Wang B.; Wang B.L.; Wang D.; Wang D.Y.; Wang K.; Wang L.L.; Wang L.S.; Wang M.; Wang P.; Wang P.L.; Wang Q.J.; Wang S.G.; Wang W.; Wang X.F.; Wang Y.D.; Wang Y.F.; Wang Y.Q.; Wang Z.; Wang Z.G.; Wang Z.H.; Wang Z.Y.; Weber T.; Wei D.H.; Wei J.B.; Weidenkaff P.; Wen S.P.; Wiedner U.; Wolke M.; Wu L.H.; Wu Z.; Xia L.G.; Xia Y.; Xiao D.; Xiao Z.J.; Xie Y.G.; Xiu Q.L.; Xu G.F.; Xu L.; Xu Q.J.; Xu Q.N.; Xu X.P.; Yan L.; Yan W.B.; Yan W.C.; Yan Y.H.; Yang H.X.; Yang L.; Yang Y.; Yang Y.X.; Ye H.; Ye M.; Ye M.H.; Yin J.H.; Yu B.X.; Yu C.X.; Yu H.W.; Yu J.S.; Yuan C.Z.; Yuan W.L.; Yuan Y.; Yuncu A.; Zafar A.A.; Zallo A.; Zeng Y.; Zhang B.X.; Zhang B.Y.; Zhang C.; Zhang C.C.; Zhang D.H.; Zhang H.H.; Zhang H.Y.; Zhang J.J.; Zhang J.L.; Zhang J.Q.; Zhang J.W.; Zhang J.Y.; Zhang J.Z.; Zhang K.; Zhang L.; Zhang S.H.; Zhang X.Y.; Zhang Y.; Zhang Y.H.; Zhang Y.T.; Zhang Z.H.; Zhang Z.P.; Zhang Z.Y.; Zhao G.; Zhao J.W.; Zhao J.Y.; Zhao J.Z.; Zhao L.; Zhao L.; Zhao M.G.; Zhao Q.; Zhao Q.W.; Zhao S.J.; Zhao T.C.; Zhao X.H.; Zhao Y.B.; Zhao Z.G.; Zhemchugov A.; Zheng B.; Zheng J.P.; Zheng W.J.; Zheng Y.H.; Zhong B.; Zhou L.; Zhou L.; Zhou X.; Zhou X.K.; Zhou X.R.; Zhou X.Y.; Zhu K.; Zhu K.J.; Zhu S.; Zhu X.L.; Zhu Y.C.; Zhu Y.S.; Zhu Z.A.; Zhuang J.; Zotti L.; Zou B.S.; Zou J.H. (American Physical Society, 2015)Using 2.92 fb-1 of electron-positron annihilation data collected at ?s = 3.773 GeV with the BESIII detector, we report the results of a search for the flavor-changing neutral current process D0 ??? using a double-tag ... -
Study of the decay D+ -> K*(892)+ K-S(0) in D+ -> (K+KS0)pi(0)
Ablikim M.; Achasov M.N.; Adlarson P.; Ahmed S.; Albrecht M.; Kolcu, O. B. (American Physical Society, 2021)Based on an collision data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of collected with the BESIII detector at , the first amplitude analysis of the singly Cabibbo-suppressed decay is performed. From the amplitude ... -
Study of the resonance structures in the process e+e- →π+π-J/ψ
Ablikim M.; Achasov M.N.; Adlarson P.; Albrecht M.; Aliberti R.; Amoroso A.; An M.R.; An Q.; Bai X.H.; Bai Y.; Bakina O.; Baldini Ferroli R.; Kolcu, Onur Bugra (American Physical Society, 2022)Using about 23 fb-1 of data collected with the BESIII detector operating at the BEPCII storage ring, a precise measurement of the e+e-→π+π-J/ψ Born cross section is performed at center-of-mass energies from 3.7730 to 4.7008 ...